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Health Econometrics

Health Econometrics is research oriented course for healthcare professionals offered at AnEc Center for Econometrics Research.

AnEc Center for Econometrics Research offers private and instructor led online course in Econometrics and Health Economics. The courses are equally good for students and professionals to develop strong analytics skills for their future research projects involving empirics.

Healthcare Analytics is a key skill for the professionals and researchers in the area of Public Health and Medical Professions as well academic research. AnEc Center for Econometrics Research has initiated the training programs after a rise in demand for specialist course for healthcare professionals and research students who wish to join the policy groups as analytics experts. The instructor led and private course in Health Econometrics using Stata is highly recommended research based course for students, faculty and professional researchers in the area of Healthcare, Public Health, Medical Sciences and Health Economics.

Health Econometrics using Stata will cover the following topics with detailed practical sessions using data from Health Surveys of England and National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey of the USA

The course begins with the theory and practical estimation of basic regression models (linear, logistic, tobit, probit) and evaluate all the assumptions of each model to validate the estimated model.

The regression models (linear, logit, ordered logistic, multinomial logistic, tobit and probit) will be estimated for panel data with Fixed Effects and Random Effects approaches and valided.

The problem of endogeneity invalidates many econometric models estimated for cross sectional and panel data. We will discuss how to test and correct the problem of endogeneity using IVREG and 2SLS.

Also the problem of Selection Bias creates challenges when the bias is not corrected for. We will discuss the cases and apply the conventional approaches like Heckman Selection

Also the regression model with endogeneity is a major problem and needs even further care. We will discuss the GMM approach to estimate regression models with Endogeneity problems.

Advanced Econometric Models like Three Stage Least Square and Nonlinear and Simultaneous, Unrelated Regression Models will be discussed with practical examples from the real world.

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