Stay present with your ideas!

This is my first article in medium! I have been waiting to perfect the goals and essence and the direction I want to go with my writing for so long that I got tired of my own perfectionism. The main…


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3 Mind Monsters That Steal Your Sleep

And why they’re not as scary as you think

They’re big and feisty, and threatening, and ugly. The further you run from them, the closer they come. They’re all over you, and anywhere you hide, and they will follow.

Nothing works against them — the sharpest of weapons, the loudest of punches, the scariest and greatest of shields. You try and try to push them away, but they multiply like micro-organisms and grow like mushrooms at the roots of an ancient tree.

Some of them don’t show their evil fangs until it’s too late and you’ve absorbed them as part of your routine. You mistake them for self-care or progress, you confuse them with validation and virtue, and before you know it, they’re inches deep under your skin.

They become part of you and consume you and take away the most precious and most efficient weapon that could ever stand a chance against them.

They take away your sleep and munch at it like cotton candy. It melts between their sticky fingers and paints their mouths pink. The cloudy, burnt-sugar pink of your sweetest dreams and deepest calm now smears their ugly faces. They lick their lips and suck their fingers, not leaving you anything but the illusion of something that used to materialise on its own, without any effort.

These are the 3 mind monsters that steal your sleep. They are all unique, each in its own right. They’re masters in trickery and cheap deception. Each has a weak point you can aim your arrows towards if you’re skilled enough.

Here they are, in all their glory. Are you ready to face them?

Anxiety is big and purple, and its belly squirms with little furry creatures that never stay still. Its paws are claw-like and incredibly precise at hitting your pulse points and playing with your insides. The further you run from it and try to breathe it away, the more it sticks to you, clawing into you and taking ownership of every sign of life in you, making you hate your beating heart, your boiling blood, and your spinning mind.

It’s not invincible.

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